Welcome to my website!

My name is Rohan Vidhate and I am a computer engineer who loves to play chess and sketching. This website is a collection of my projects and experiences.

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Rohan Vidhate

Those who have mastered their skills share the same fate.
- Yoriichi Tsugikuni

My Skillset...

Java (Spring Boot)

I have done 350+ DSA on leetcode and Spring boot project in rest apis and hibernate (mysql)


Intermediate understanding of python and hands on Django framework basic.

Java Script

Exploring in Javascript and wokring on it to for full stack engieering to work on dynamic pages

Vue JS

I have basic understanding of VueJS which I leanred from internship about router, hooks and vuetify.


I have worked on css, bootstrap and bulma framework for making responsive websites.


I have made figma Ui/Ux website pages designs of real project for clients

My Projects and relevant works...